
Denis and Irvine v Belgium (Chamber)

Author / Contributor: Kris Gledhill
Denis and Irvine v Belgium (Chamber)
Issue: Whether ongoing preventive detention was in breach of Art 5(1) ECHR when the underlying offence could no longer lead to such a sentence being imposed in light of legislative change; whether there was a breach of Arts 5(4) and 13 from the introduction of a 3-year probationary period on an order for release.
Court: ECtHR (4th Section)
Reference:   Appns 62819/17 and 63921/17
Neutral Citation:  
Judge(s): JF Kjølbro (President), F Vehabovic, P Lemmens, IA Motoc, C Ranzoni, S Mourou-Vikström, P Paczolay
Date: 43746